The Riverside Theater Directions & Parking

116 W Wisconsin Ave • Milwaukee, WI 53203

Discounted Parking!

interstate-parking-logo.pngGimbels Structure  
555 N. Plankinton Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53203
$8 weekdays, $11 weekends


Enter on Plankinton Ave. or Michigan Ave.

Interstate Parking and Pabst Theater Group have partnered to offer parking passes near the Riverside Theater.


Important: Parking passes must be purchased in advance of the show date and displayed clearly on your dashboard prior to entering the show. Parking passes are physical tickets that you can either receive in the mail or print out at home.

Each structure or lot is open parking...just pull in, display your pre-purchased parking pass on your dashboard and head right to the show! Parking is available beginning 2 hours prior to the show start time and good for up to 6 hours.

Parking passes must be displayed clearly on your dashboard prior to entering the show. Parking for the Riverside Theater is approximately a 1.5 block walk.

Riverside Theater Parking Passes are valid for the Gimbels structure located at 555 N. Plankinton Ave. on the corner of Plankinton Ave and Michigan Ave. The entrances to this structure are on Plankinton Ave. and Michigan Ave. The entrance clearance is 7' 3".

Directions To The Riverside Theater

Other Way To Get Around

Public Transit

For bus routes and times, please visit Milwaukee County Transit System.

More Info


Bublr Bikes now offers bike rental stations in Milwaukee!

The closest stations to The Pabst Theater: Cathedral Square and Red Arrow Park

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Taxi & Car Service

Don't feel like driving or parking? Call your favorite Tax/Car Service and see you at the show!